Weave Cultural Connections,
Stitch Stronger Teams

Culture Quilt is a deck of visually captivating cards that bring diverse teams closer, spark meaningful conversations, and create a vibrant tapestry of understanding.

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Supercharge Collaboration with Cultural Intelligence

Foster Empathy and Understanding

Get to know your teammates on a deeper level, exploring their diverse cultural perspectives and fostering empathy and understanding.

Develop Cultural Intelligence

Boost your cultural intelligence and become more effective in navigating multicultural environments and working with diverse teams.

Ignite Creativity and Innovation

Embrace the colorful tapestry of cultures to inspire creativity, fresh ideas, and innovative solutions within your team.

Enhance Collaboration Among Teams

Create a common ground and shared understanding that fuels collaboration and teamwork across cultural boundaries.

How It Works

Unfold the Cultural Adventure



Select a Card from the Pile: Pick a card from our diverseand visually captivating Culture Quilt deck.


Answer the question

Share your thoughts, experiences, and cultural associations prompted by the card – there are no wrong answers!


Build your quilt

Add your card face down to the center, contributing to our ever-growing quilt of cultural connections.


Engage in meaningful discussions

Listen to others, ask questions, and dive deeper into cultural insights, sparking lively and enlightening conversations.


Cultivate cultural awareness

Gain a broader perspective, develop a greater appreciation for cultural factors, and see how they enrich teamwork.

Try it now! Pick a card

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We are UX Studio, a hybrid team from 15+ different countries

What better way to achieve cultural intelligence focused game than by fostering a team of 60+ people that embodies the values we seek to promote? Our diverse team represent a myriad of ethnicities, languages, and traditions.

Being international everyday

This multicultural dynamic infuses our work environment with a richness that is unparalleled. It sparks creativity, fuels innovation, and encourages open-mindedness.

How we work

At UX Studio we work on products for people from all around the world. So we need to be mindful about different cultures and diverse communities to reduce the risk that our biases sneak in our product design process, research process, decision making and more.

Visit UX Studio's website
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Visit UX Studio's website
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